the 1946 Britain changed the constitution of Gold Coast which increased the
number of African representatives in the Legislative Council (LEGCO) through
appointing and electing. But many of them were African chiefs who regarded as
the colonial agents by African elites. Example 13 were appointed by colonialist
and only 5 were elected to join LEGCO.
The reasons made Ghana
to be the first country to gain independence;
many African elites did not accept the decision made by Britain, and then
decided to form political party which Known as United Gold Coast Convention
(UGCC) in 1947 under the leadership of J. B. Danquah and Kwame Nkrumah who was
the secretary. The members of this political party were Lawyers, businessmen,
teachers and journalist. Then colonialist decided to accept some of UGCC demands
and change constitution again, this made most of the UGCC leaders to accept
colonialist. However other leaders include Kwame Nkrumah did not accept the new
constitution while they wanted total independence. This made them to break from
UGCC and form new political party known as Convention People Party (CPP) On
June 1949 the goal was ‘self-government now’. CPP widely expanded to all
classes of people and Opened branches throughout the country. CPP got support
through mass rallies, slogans, party dynamic paper like Accra Evening News.
used non-violent resistances based on Mahatma Gandhi model. Within a short
period of time C.P.P become the only threat to British colonial regime in
Ghana, the emphasis on mass organization became the most important. In 1940s
there was a contradiction in Ghana where the colonial government adopted a
policy of cutting down sick trees being ruined by a swollen shoot disease to
save the healthy ones. The people misunderstood the intentions of the
government, seeing it as a calculated attempt to ruin the farmers. But, British
tried to find the causes of unrest.
Also, the Constitution of 1951 where enlarged
legislative council but majority Africans was Chiefs. Nkrumah reacted to the
constitution denounced new constitution as bogus and fraudulent/fake. Then
Nkrumah’s response was to organize positive action like general strike and
various boycotts which led imprisonment of Nkrumah and his supporters. He
demanded control of the colonial legislatures which were the centers of political
power in their territory pressing on the colonial administrators to introduce
democratic to the people’s representative in those LEGCOS.
demand majority rule and granting of political independence immediately as soon
as possible. They sent petitions to the metropolitan to back up their demands,
organized mass demonstrations, strikes and boycotts and used every type of
propaganda to condemn the colonial system. They also denounced and attacked oppressive
laws and demanded their removal but in order to convince the Europeans that
they weren’t small group of agitators but a group of leaders who had support of
their people, the educated elite leaders sought and bought the support of
peasants which were cooperative unions and trade unions.
the Nkrumah released from Prison, he was given position as the leader of
government busses. In the election of 1954 the party known as NLM was formed to
oppose CPP. The new party NLM opposed CPP idea of unity, due to this opposition
made colonialist call another election on July 1956. CPP won the election. The
result of the election made colonial government to grant independent in Gold
Coast under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah on 06 march 1957. This made Ghana
to be the first African country to get independent. Then from that day Gold
Cost changed its name into Ghana.
The reasons made Ghana
to be the first country to gain independence;
Presence of few white settlers: this
made Ghana to be the first country to gain independence due to the fact that
British had few white settlers in the country so that it was easy to grant
independence to the Africans without huge lost to compare to other countries
which had many white settlers and much investment.
Role played by NKwame Nkrumah: Ghana
achieved independence earlier and through peacefully means, due to the
influence of Nkrumah who was able to promote unity and solidarity among the
Ghana people. Example Nkrumah was able to unite African people to fight for
their independence through political party which known as CCP.
Role played by Pan Africa nationalism: in
1945 Pan-African Congress was held in Manchester, it was in that meeting when
African students in London played a great role in the organizations and running
of this congress. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana was one the secretaries. The congress
demanded complete independence. Therefore Nkrumah organize his people earlier
to fight for complete independence.
The uses of common language: Ghana
become the first country to attain independent in Africa due to the uses of common
language in the country, so it was easy to organize them as the nation and
fight for their independent. Example majority of Ghana people used English.
Clear and strong policies of CCP, this
made CCP to attain great support from the mass, and made Ghana to be the first
country to gain independence. Example CCP demanded complete independence from